Regular Ministries
First of all, thanks for checking out our website. We hope you can come and meet us in person. Earlwood Anglican is a modern and vibrant Christian church that wants to make a difference in people’s lives. God desperately wants to be in relationship with all people, which is why he sent his son Jesus to earth. In his death and resurrection, Jesus gives free and unlimited forgiveness of sin, an eternal relationship with God, and a life of purpose and meaning. Our church wants to connect people with Jesus through the bible, so they can experience life as God intended it. As you can see from the links above, we meet both on Sundays and throughout the week to hear from God’s Word. We also run a number of different groups for people in varying ages and stages of life. Scroll down for regular programs and check our events page to see what’s on. To find out more of what we believe, how you become a Christian and the God-man at the centre of it all, Jesus, click on the about us link. Our ministry team consists of Brendan McLaughlin and James Delanty. We’d love to see you at one of our meetings either on Sundays or throughout the week. Click here to find and contact us.
See more of our regular ministries below.
Bible Study
While the Sunday services are the highlight of our gathering together as a whole community, our Bible Study groups are the beating heart of our weekly fellowship &a key way in which we pastorally care for one another. They are a chance to meet up with a smaller group of people from church to enjoy friendships, support one another, and pursue a deeper knowledge of the Bible. We have groups for young adults, men, women, couples and seniors all throughout the week.
If you are interested in finding a group, please e-mail Brendan (brendan@earlwood.anglican.asn.au).

Kids Programs

Kids at Earlwood Anglican
We can think of nothing better for families than to come to church, enjoy the experience and all the while hear about how Jesus wants to be the loving Father of their family. We have activities specifically for children, plus our annual holiday club in July.
All our children’s and youth leaders are trained in the Anglican Church’s ‘Safe Ministry’ and ‘Expectations for children’s and youth leaders’. Please talk to the ministry staff if you would like to know more.
We also love the opportunity to coordinate scripture in our local schools, Earlwood & Undercliffe.
See some of our Kids Programs Below.
Ignite on Sunday
We believe that children are an integral part of the church and love being able to engage them in a way that is suited to their developmental stage so that their faith can be fostered well, in partnership with their families. Because of this, every Sunday during school term we run Ignite – a program for pre-school to Year 6 – taught be well-trained leaders who delight in seeing children delight in God.
10am Sundays During School Term
From Pre-school to Year 6
For more information contact: office@earlwoodanglican.org.au