One of the questions raised by the lockdown is can I still be useful to God now that my regular ministry is not possible? This of course isn’t the case for everyone. Our Bible Study leaders, youth and children’s leaders, Parish Council, Wardens and Treasurer are still performing their ministries each week. Add to that the Community Pantry team, and we see that many are still being of wonderful service to the Lord. Yet for those of us whose regular ministries are no longer possible, there are still many things we can do to be of use to God.
The primary area is in pastoral care. With the increased social isolation that a lockdown brings, experts are saying mental health and loneliness are on the rise. This is why our phone list is of such importance. Just knowing that someone at church is thinking of us goes a long way. So if you’re wondering how I can be of use to God during this lockdown, why not spend 15 minutes each week ringing someone from your Bible Study or congregation, to catch up and pray together.
Another way is to keep an eye out for people who might be struggling financially, due to having lost their jobs, or having their wages. For such people we could organise for others to chip in and purchase them a trolley of food. Some churches have also organised a Can Drive for Anglicare.
Finally, as we approach returning to Sunday gatherings, there are many things that need doing around the church. If government restrictions allow it, we may hold a Working Bee in the coming weeks to tidy up our grounds. We will also need our interior surfaces wiped down after each use of our buildings.
Although our service to the Lord may look different at the moment, there are many ways we can be of use to Him, if we’re willing to think outside our normal box.