Jesus is awesome, so …

Jesus is awesome, so …

The message of our sermon series this term (Heb 1-10) has been that Jesus is supremely glorious.  The author outlines how Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory, the final word, greater than angels, our pioneer through death, greater than Moses, our path to rest, our...
A time to invite

A time to invite

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for everything.  Every year Earlwood Anglican sets aside a month for evangelism.  So as ‘Outreach October’ approaches, it is now a time to invite.  Our vision for outreach at Earlwood Anglican is ‘as easy as P.I.E.’; Prayer,...
The Covenantal God

The Covenantal God

Last week’s sermon passage (Heb 8) outlined the wonders of a God who would covenant himself to his people.  A simple definition of a covenant is ‘a legally binding relationship’, in which all parties promise to uphold their obligations, under the threat of sanctions. ...
No Vax, or not to Vax

No Vax, or not to Vax

That is the question regarding COVID.  Those old enough to remember Thalidomide will know the dangers of taking chemicals that haven’t been properly tested.  Yet those old enough to remember Polio can tell of how debilitating and terrifying that disease was, which...
Be taken forward to maturity

Be taken forward to maturity

The question the author asked in last week’s sermon passage (Heb 6) is, are you spiritually mature enough to handle the very detailed topic of Melchizedek (Heb 5 & 7)?  Only those with hours of study under their belt are qualified to mine the gold and precious...