Stop Listening to Yourself

Stop Listening to Yourself

The theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is ‘even though life is really difficult, do your best to enjoy God’s many blessings’ (e.g. Ecc 9:1-12).  Sadly however, Ecclesiastes doesn’t tell us how.  For this, we need to turn elsewhere. Psalm 42 begins with the author...
Remember your Creator

Remember your Creator

A parishioner recently put me onto ‘The Bible Project’; a series of videos you can find on youtube that summarises each of the books of the Bible.  I watched the one on Ecclesiastes last week and was pleased to find it’s summary of the book to be pretty much identical...
Don’t be Stupid

Don’t be Stupid

The book of Ecclesiastes is found among the wisdom literature of the Bible, which is primarily interested in outlining what constitutes wise choices in life, as opposed to foolish choices.  According to the Bible, the ‘fool’ is the person who continues to make wrong...
Don’t worry, be happy

Don’t worry, be happy

How awesome is the book of Ecclesiastes!  I don’t know about you, but I have just loved this series.  And the reason I love this book even more now is because I understand it better.  I honestly came into this series thinking the book of Ecclesiastes was a depressing...
The Limits of Wisdom

The Limits of Wisdom

In Eccles 7:16, Qohelet makes perhaps his most perplexing statement: Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise– why destroy yourself? This statement is perplexing for two reasons.  Firstly, Qohelet knows it is better to be righteous than wicked (Eccles 8:12),...