by Brendan McLaughlin | Jan 14, 2019 | Weekly News
In Ruth 1, a young Moabite woman decides to leave the comfort and security of her country and convert to Judaism (‘you’re God will be my God’ – v. 16). People usually immigrate looking for a better life. Yet Ruth is told that moving to Judah would not result in...
by Brendan McLaughlin | Dec 16, 2018 | Weekly News
WA common question still asked by non-Christians today is; ‘if there is a God, why is there so much suffering?’ A more nuanced question asked by Christians is; ‘where is God IN my suffering?’ This is not an academic question for those asking it; but an emotional...
by Brendan McLaughlin | Dec 9, 2018 | Weekly News
TWhat do we think is the Bible’s primary message? Do we think the Bible is primarily about humans, or about God? How we answer will dramatically affect how we read the Bible, and how we read life. Those who believe the Bible is primarily about humans see it as a...
by Brendan McLaughlin | Jun 24, 2018 | Weekly News
As some of you know, a small number of church members have recently left our fellowship, for various reasons. This has caused our weekly offertory to fall below our budget. This may seem like a dire time for our church; but it is actually an opportunity. To begin...
by Brendan McLaughlin | Jun 17, 2018 | Weekly News
In last week’s sermon passage (Matt 6:1-18) Jesus rebukes the ‘hypocrites’ for doing their acts of piety (giving, prayer and fasting) in front of others, in order to elicit praise from men. I have always read this passage with an angry tone; perhaps due to the very...