Never before has humanity been exposed to so much unhelpful or sinful content (e.g. TV, magazines, video games, internet). So never before has Phil 4:8 been so important:
… whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable– if anything is excellent or praiseworthy– think about such things.
There are 2 reasons for this exhortation. The first is ‘there’s a Father up above’. Certain content today, such as porn or gossip magazines, are just downright sinful.
The second is ‘he’s looking down in love’. Modern psychology tells us our brain is affected by what it’s exposed to. Garbage in – garbage out. Studies show heavy exposure to violent video games reduces empathy, while porn addicts often develop impotence. God commands against these things to protect us.
Yet He also commands it to protect others. Even if porn actors are willing participants (much porn is of sex trafficked women), such sin damages THEM too. How wrong to find pleasure in others damaging themselves.
This principle of course extends to ANY content that is damaging to those who make it. Do we think celebrities like having their lives splashed across gossip magazines? Do we think actresses like doing gratuitous nude or sex scenes in order to get a big part? Do we think contestants on reality TV like being shown in the worst possible light? Yet we see such harm as entertaining.
If we are ever tempted to view content that has gratuitous violence, strong sex scenes, nudity, heightened real life drama, or gossip, Christians should remind themselves of Philippians 4:8. Is this thing I’m viewing true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable? Or does it hurt the people who helped create it, hurt me, and hurt God?