One of the most common questions asked of Christianity today is ‘if there really is a God, why is there so much suffering in the world?’ Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:6 tells us atheists have been using suffering to argue against the existence of God for millennia. Qohelet turns this question back on atheists by asking, what does atheism offer in return?
To begin with, atheism has no (i) explanation for suffering. In fact the process of natural selection, that modern atheists ascent to, requires suffering. The strong subduing the weak is necessary in ‘survival of the fittest’. Christianity by contrast tells us suffering is the result of God cursing his creation as judgment upon Adam and Eve’s sin. Suffering is an intruder into God’s good world.
Second, atheism offers little by way of (ii) justice. If this life is all there is (Eccl 3:19-21), then those who are not brought to justice in this life, which is the vast majority of criminals, simply get away with it. Such a lack of justice is debilitating to victims of serious crimes. The Bible on the other hand tells us the wicked will not get away with it, for God will judge them in the end (Eccl 3:17).
Thirdly, what (iii) comfort can atheism offer? What can the atheist say to the survivor of mass rape or genocide? If there is no ultimate justice, and suffering helps the evolutionary process (survival of the fittest), then comfort will only come in death for the atheist (Eccles 4:2). By way of contrast, the God of the Bible hates suffering, and is working towards one day irradicating it altogether for his followers.
Finally, what (iv) hope does the atheist enjoy? If this life is all there is, they have nothing to look forward to except ‘let’s eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die’. This is the saddest aspect of atheism, as those without hope have nothing to live for. The Bible tells us if we turn to Christ in repentance and faith, we look forward to the day when he will ‘bring to judgment’ all wickedness, without judging those for whom Jesus died. Praise be to God!